As a result, developers often find their code departing from the object-oriented model and diving instead into a procedural programming style. 因此,开发人员常常发现他们的代码偏离了面向对象模型的轨道,反而陷入了过程编程模型的泥潭。
Some of these are object oriented, but that is simply a matter of the organization of code and data, not of the fundamental programming style. 其中,一些是面向对象的,但那只是组织代码和数据的问题,而非基本编程样式的问题。
Whatever practice they have programming in any programming language will improve their programming style and add to their toolbox of problem solving techniques. 无论练习使用何种编程语言,都将提高他们的编程风格,并且使他们积累更多的解决问题的技巧。
This type of compact workflow can be an alternative to the object-oriented programming style, and it is quite interesting. 此类紧凑的工作流可以替代面向对象的编程样式,并且相当有趣。
In programming style, using Anygui is similar to using Tkinter, but the underlying toolkit is selected either automatically or with a configuration call. 在编程风格方面,使用Anygui类似于使用Tkinter,但是要选中这个底层工具箱,要么自动进行,要么进行配置调用。
To follow the same programming style you use in your day-to-day development, with access to programming language constructs, then Sass is the best choice. 如果您想采用日常开发中使用的编程风格,同时访问编程语言结构,那么Sass将是您最理想的选择。
A declarative programming style is almost always a more direct way of stating constraints than is an imperative or procedural one. 声明性编程样式在声明约束方面几乎一直比命令式或过程式样式更直接。
The imperative ( and especially) object-oriented programming style uses structure and messaging as building blocks. 命令式的(特别是)面向对象编程风格采用结构和消息传递作为构建块。
A perfect way to see the benefits of the functional programming style, and how this works within Erlang, is to look at the Fibonacci function. 要想了解函数编程风格的好处以及它在Erlang中的实现方式,最好的方法是了解Fibonacci函数。
If you look at the syllabi from programming courses at various educational institutions, you will find several that list programming style as one of the course topics or goals. 如果您看看各个不同教育机构的程序设计课程的教学大纲,就会发现会有一些教学大纲把程序的设计列为课程或者教学目标。
The visual programming style might not appeal to hardcore coders, but it is popular with engineers and non-programmers who need to solve real problems with software-controlled hardware. 这种可视化的编程风格也许并不会吸引核心部分的编码人员,但是它在工程师和非程序员群体中非常受到欢迎,这个群体需要利用软件控制的硬件来解决实际的问题。
The focus here is on programming in Python, not on adapting your programming style to XML. 这里的关注焦点在于以Python进行编程,而不是使您的编程风格顺应XML。
Scala offers quite different capabilities, the integration of Object Oriented with the Functional programming style. Scala的能力与F不太一样,这是种面向对象与函数式编程集成的编程风格。
In general, good programming style says you put in comments that are going to be valuable in helping you as a reader understand what's going on inside of the code. 通常来说,优秀的编码风格意味着,你要放进去的注释,在帮助代码阅读者,理解代码内部,是怎么工作的。
"Happy Boys" have taken place of "Super Voice Girls" beginning May1 this year with a healthier programming style. 而“快乐男生”今年一月份已经以其健康的主办风格而取代了“超级女声”的位置。
A declarative programming style usually produces more compact, readable code; manually-incremented loop variables are usually unnecessary; when a sequence must be enumerated, use enumerate(). 声明式编程风格常常产生更简洁,可读性更好的代码;手动增加的循环变量常常是不需要得;当一个序列必须被枚举时,使用。
Each year at the conference, I learn things that change/ improve my programming style. 在每次的会议上,我都能学到东西改变、提升我的编程风格。
Changing from one technology to another is not difficult, but it might require learning a new programming style and require using different tools to do the programming. 从一项技术改变成另一项并不十分困难,但是可能需要学习一种新的编程风格,需要使用不同的工具来进行编程。
This can become complicated and leads to poor programming style. 这可能变得非常复杂,并会形成不良的编程风格。
Which of the two forms to choose depends on your programming style and task at hand. 使用哪一种方式取决于你项目的形式和需要实现的功能。
The programming style of synthesizing logic-oriented and object-oriented in RDBMS RDBMS中合成面向逻辑与面向目标的程序设计风格
Programming Method and Programming Style 编程方法与编程风格
In this system the powerful function of high-level language and programming style of MS-Windows were fully utilized, at the same time the wavelet transform and correlation analysis methods were used to analyze the fault signal to implement the automatic fault location. 此测试系统充分利用高级语言的强大功能和Windows编程风格;并引入小波变换和相关分析方法对故障信号进行分析以实现故障的自动测距。
How to embody object-oriented programming style, when programming with ML language, is discussed. 本文探讨在运用ML语言中体现面向对象的程序设计风格。
We also discuss the impacts of introducing persistence on C++ programming style and program security. 本文还讨论了引人持久性对C++程序设计风格及安全性的影响。
With the development of Internet/ Intranet technology, new development technology based on Web often comes forth, JSP technology is outstanding representation, it provides very convenient, secure, reliable, advanced programming style and environment for web applications. 随着Internet/Intranet技术的发展,Web开发新技术的不断涌现,JSP技术作为其中的杰出代表,为Web应用开发提供了更方便、安全、可靠、先进的编程模式和环境。
Combination of logical programming style with functional programming style 逻辑式与函数式两种程序设计风格的结合
Teachers can use the system to evaluate students 'assignments, analysis and summarize the common programming style problems and carry out targeted programming style teaching. 教师可以利用该系统对学生提交的程序作业进行评测,针对学生作业中比较集中的编程风格问题进行分析和总结,进行有针对性的编程风格教学。
The programming style subset included three parts: code format, comments and naming rules. 该编程风格教学子集具体内容包括三个部分:代码格式、注释和命名规范。
Students can use this system to check programming style problems in their assignments, and correct them according to the notations. 学生可以利用该系统对程序作业中存在的编程风格问题进行检测,并根据系统提供的批注信息加以改正。